Preparing for your Telehealth appointment

Getting started

Before you start your visit, please keep your surroundings in mind - your doctor may ask you to reschedule if you are in a distracting or unsafe environment. 

Check your connection

Make sure you are connected to a strong wifi network to reduce the chances of being disconnected during your visit. We recommend using our app if you are using a mobile device. If you do experience technical issues, please try a different browser or device.

How do I join my appointment?

Ready to join your appointment?  The following article has all the details:

What if I did not receive a confirmation email?

We got you! Please contact us for further assistance.  

Can I cancel or reschedule my appointment? 

Absolutely. If you are unable to make your appointment or need to cancel, please navigate to either the calendar invite or the confirmation email. From there, you have the option to "cancel" or "reschedule" the visit.  If your doctor’s availability is full, please send a message in your secure messaging portal so we can help you connect with a provider who is available.


If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to let us know! We're here for you.

Email: Click the "Contact us" button at the top right. 
Hours: 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

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